Sunday, July 13, 2014

2 Peter 1:3

2 Peter 1:3 - His (God’s) divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

When we look at God’s commands and how He had asked us to live it can seem overwhelming. We try so hard to live according to His plan, yet we fail. No matter how many times we try we can never seem to make it. It seems impossible.
In reality it really is impossible for us to do in our own strength. By ourselves we just cannot live according to God’s call on our life. There’s no way, that’s why Jesus came.
Jesus came from heaven to earth to make a way for us to reach God. I say again, it is impossible for us to live according to God’s calling, if we are working in our own power, but with God all things are possible. Through Christ we have access to the power of God.
God’s power flows through us everyday as we continue to live for Him. Now we can hear His words and obey His commands. We were made Holy and now we can live godly.
So if you are still trying to do it in your own strength and power knock it off! God has given you all you need and Christ has shown you how to use it. It is time to surrender our words and desires to the will of God. Let His power flow through you as you live to bring glory and honor to Him.

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