Thursday, October 23, 2014

Acts 3:16

Acts 3:16 – By faith in the Name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus name and the faith that comes through Him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can see.

“Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Peter spoke these words to a man who had never been able to walk. This man was born a cripple and had been a beggar his whole life. This day was no different for him, until now.
As Peter was walking into the city the man cried out to him for money and Peter gave him so much more. As we look at this story of healing we see Peter speak these words of faith, but it wasn't until the man acted on them that his legs grew strong.
In verse 7 we see Peter taking the man by the hand and helping him up. As he stood, his feet and ankles were instantly made strong. Then in verse 16, when those around them were amazed at what Peter did, he doesn't take credit for it, but instead gives all glory to God.
So as we look at this story we can see 3 basic steps to receiving healing that we need to remember. First, speak the words of faith. God has given us His word, which is full of promises for those who Love Him, but we speak them in faith.
Next, we must act on that faith. James says, “Faith without action is dead.” Your actions prove your faith real. And lastly and most important: whatever it is give God the glory. Without Him you can do nothing. With Him all things are possible. Always give God the glory for all the good in your life because He is the one who brings it.

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