Monday, May 19, 2014

Ephesians 5:25

Ephesians 5:25 – Husbands, Love your wives, just as Christ Loved the church and gave Himself up for her.

This chapter in Ephesians is often referred to as the marriage chapter, but I see it as a call to husbands.  It is a call for men to stand up and stand out of the crowd in the way they lead their wives and families. We, as men, have a responsibility in marriage that we have been falling short of. Think about it: we are to Love our wives as Christ Loved the church.

Marriage was setup to mirror the relationship between Christ and the church. So in order for us to understand what our role as a husband looks like we must look to Christ Jesus. Here it mentions that Christ Loved the church so much that He gave Himself for her. Christ died for us, that is the most important thing, but He did much more than that.

Jesus came to earth to show us how to live, and even now He helps us in this. Look at the reason that He had to come. We had lost our connection with God because of our sin. It began with Adam and has continued on through us, one sin after another. Christ came to bridge the gap and give us a way back to the Father. He made this possible by laying down His life.

Jesus role as head of the church is basically to show us how to live by the Spirit and have a relationship with God. He not only made the way for this to happen, but He is also our example. In marriage, we, as men, must take this role. We are the spiritual head of the household and it is our job to live our lives in such a way that leads our wife and children to God.

It is all still through Christ, of course, but it is our example they will follow. This is not by any means a place of dominance. In fact it is quite the opposite; it is a position of servant hood. Jesus leads the church to God by Loving and serving those in the church. We too must Love and serve our families in this place of leadership.

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