Saturday, March 29, 2014

Romans 5:8

Romans 5:8 - But God demonstrates His own Love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.

It is not enough to just say you Love someone. Love is powerful, but as mere words it is empty. It must be shown. James talks of faith without works as being dead; Love is the same. Without action or demonstration the words, “I Love you” are hollow and meaningless.
All through scripture we see people talking of the Love of God. God’s Love is the most powerful thing we know and we know this because He has shown us. It started in creation. All creation was based out of Love. God created the world as a place for us, His most Loved creation. Then we messed up and fell out of fellowship with Him, but He didn't give up on us. He setup a rescue plan through Jesus to bring us back to Him. This, too, was because He Loves us.
Jesus gave His life due to the Love He has for us. When the disciple John wrote his gospel he referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus Loved.” He did this because he had a revelation of how God saw him. Later he writes, “We Love, because He first Loved us”(1 John 4:19) and “God is Love” (1 John 4:8).
In Ephesians Paul talks about how as believers we are “rooted and established in Love” (Romans 3:17). Then in Romans says he is convinced that “nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:38-39). These men all wrote about God’s Love from experience. They knew that God Love them, because they had seen it.
God doesn't just tell us that He Loves us and then leave it at that. He demonstrates His Love. While we had our backs turned on Him and were living for ourselves God sent Jesus to die for us. Not because He had to or we deserved it, but because He Loves us. God Loves you and the proof is all around you. Make a point to recognize God’s Love in your life.

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