Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mark 15:37

Mark 15:37 – With a loud cry He breathed His last.

Jesus cried out and then breathed His last. That was the end, or so they thought. As the crowds were watching this happen they did not understand the significance of this moment. They did not know that this was the turning point for the fight of the believer.
       This moment is the starting point for which our faith stands. Without Jesus death we would have no hope or future. He took our sin, He took our pain; He took everything upon Himself so that we could be made righteous.
Sometimes I think we fail to understand or appreciate all that Christ did for us. Here’s the thing we need to remember: Christ didn't need to die. He was perfect and already had it made. There was nothing in His life that could separate him from God. He was sin free and righteous.
It was all of us that could not make it on our own. We all deserved death because we were sinful and unrighteous. Our lives were not right with God and we needed a miracle. Jesus became that miracle. Being perfect He chose to be the sacrifice that was needed. ‘He who knew no sin became sin for us.’
       As we look upon this moment when Jesus gave up His life we must realize that He gave it all up for us. He didn't need too, but He chose too. As He looked at our lives He knew there was no other way for us to enter the kingdom of God.
His Love for us gave Him the strength He needed to endure the pain, suffering and death and ultimately separation from God. Then God resurrected Him and now He is in each one of us in the form of the Holy Spirit. Because of His sacrifice we are made righteous and holy before God.

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