Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Matthew 21:22

Matthew 21:22 - If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Faith can be exercised on something as simple as a fig tree. Many times we get caught up on ‘if it God’s will’ it will happen, but Jesus doesn't limit us here. Don’t get me wrong, part of faith working on your behalf is being right with God, but too often ‘God’s will’ is used as an excuse for our doubt and unbelief.
Take this story for instance. Jesus and His disciples are walking along and Jesus gets hungry. In the distance He sees a fig tree and his mouth begins to water. The closer He gets the more He starts to want some figs.
Jesus arrives at the tree to be disappointed due to its lack of figs. He then curses the fig tree saying, “may you never bear fruit again.” At that time the disciples don’t think anything of it. 
At a later time they are walking that same path and the disciples see something odd, the fig tree is withered and dead. Noticing the drastic change from the morning, they ask Jesus about it.
Jesus did not give them some ‘spiritual’ answer saying that God spoke to Him about the tree. Instead He told them that what He did to the fig tree is small compared to what faith can do. “With faith you can move mountains,” He told them. “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Jesus doesn't limit your faith and you shouldn't either. Live right with God and let faith determine your circumstance. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

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