Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Matthew 14:28-29

Matthew 14:28-29 - “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus.

“Come,” Jesus said. And without any further argument Peter stepped out in faith and walked on water. When Peter made his statement, ‘tell me to come to you on the water,’ he was prepared to hear from Jesus. He saw Jesus coming to them on the water and He knew that whatever Jesus told him to do he would obey.
I think that so many of us are ‘waiting’ on the Lord, but we are not expecting a response. Then when we do hear from Jesus, we do not obey because we explain it away as something else. We use the ‘religious’ term that we are ‘waiting on the Lord’ as an excuse to sit on our butts and do nothing.
As we look at this story of Peter walking on the water we see that he was not alone in the boat. In fact, all of the disciples were there with him. Peter, however, was the only one who stepped out to walk with Jesus. All the others were content on waiting in the boat until Jesus came to them.
In the end of this story we see that all the disciples were with Jesus in the boat. But by stepping out in faith at the command of Jesus, Peter not only reached Him first, he also did the impossible to get to Him.
What role will you take in this story? We know as believers we will all be with Jesus in the end, but what will you do until then. Will you be content just waiting in the boat, or are you going to step out in faith and do the impossible?

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