Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mark 8:35

Mark 8:35 – For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.

       What are you living for? This world teaches us that we must live for ourselves. It says we must look out for our own well-being, because no one else will. As we are living in the world it is easy to adopt this mentality, at least to an extent. We are surrounded by people that are doing just that, looking out for themselves. Sometimes it seems like the only way to succeed is by doing the same thing.
       This type of thinking is wrong. We need to take a step back and change our mentality. Jesus gives us a clear picture here of how we should see things. If you are living for yourself and trying to succeed by tearing others down you will fail. Even if you gain the whole world you will realize in the end that you are alone and the ‘success’ means nothing.
       As we turn our lives to Jesus we need to realize that we must give everything over to Him. We must surrender every part of our being to God and let Him do with it what He wants. Let Him mold you and shape you into who He wants you to be. Then live your life for Him. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men.”
       Living your life for God does not necessarily mean giving up everything you have, it is about putting God first, before everything you have and looking at the world from an eternal perspective.
As we are doing our work, or serving our families, or just plain having fun, we must realize that we are to be pleasing God, not men. In whatever you do, remember: God is first. Seek and serve Him above all and everything else will fall into place.

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